Never Ending Sports

What did we sign-up for? Instead of a long vacation we thought we couldn't afford we let the boys continue with sports through the summer. Brady has been playing on a lacrosse travel team (Go Mad Dogs!) and Parker was recruited into All Stars for baseball (Go Green!). Since the middle of June we've either had lacrosse or baseball practice every night and games every weekend. Not only did we pay for them to do this, but we've now paid for hotel rooms (for long distance lacrosse games), gas, and food (Cooper is addicted to the concession stand). I think we could of gone on that vacation we couldn't afford! Oh well, Brady has enjoyed playing for the High School Varsity Coach and Parker is still the best 1st baseman around. Here are a few pictures of Brady's last tournament in Sackett's Harbor, NY (3 1/2 hours away on Lake Ontario). I don't have any of Parker yet but will post some as soon as I take them.

1 comment:

Yang Fam said...

Brady looks huge in those pictures. I guess when the guys play football they'll actually get to tackle Uncle Andy.